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Bee Cause

Bee Cause

Credit: Jessica Lyons

The science

Over the past 100 years, bees have been dying at a rate never before seen in our lifetime. Research from leading scientists tell us that Australia must take action now if we are to save Australia’s honeybees our environment and out food security depend on it.


Educate yourself – and spread the word #BeeCause.


Vital honeybee-saving research needs funding. 100% of your donation will contribute to a solution.

Plant Trees:

Bees need more habitat. Consider planting a bee-friendly garden or some trees to contribute to sustainability. Get involved on National Tree Day on 30th July.


Australian beekeepers help keep our honeybees healthy. Choose Beechworth Honey’s Bee Cause range and support the cause.


Our politicians need to help drive the bee health and biosecurity agenda. Why not write to your local member?

You can help

Give today and your contribution will go directly to Australia’s foremost centre for bee research, the Wheen Bee Foundation. Choose Beechworth Honey’s Bee Cause range and support the cause.

Take Action

The creation of Bee Cause.

Beechworth Honey is the founder and passionate sponsor of the Bee Cause social impact initiative in Australia. The Beechworth Honey Bee Cause range contributes to saving Australia’s honeybees.